Our vision at The Vine is to flourish in His grace, bearing fruit in our community and beyond. 

We are broken and hurting, and we live in a world that is broken, hurting and without hope due to sin.  In the midst of this brokenness, we find hope as we abide in Jesus, who is making all things new.  It is this Jesus who brings hope to a lost world and to us.  Jesus enables us to flourish in His grace and causes us to bear fruit.  This fruit is displayed in a life of purpose that pursues and impacts others to advance God’s kingdom. 

Our Mission

Our mission at The Vine is to fully engage people in the three loves.

Loving God
Loving Each Other
Loving the Community
Our Beliefs
Centrality of the Gospel

We believe that as Jesus and His unmerited grace for us is lifted up, He restores our lives, families, community, and world (Rom. 1:16, Gal. 6:14).

Truth of the Word of God We believe the Bible is our reliable Truth source. We affirm its inerrancy in the original manuscripts and its absolute reliability and authority in our lives, faith, and practice (John 17:17, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Rev. 21:5).

Love of the Father
We believe that through His grace, accomplished by the perfect work of Christ at the cross, we are adopted as sons and daughters of the King of the Universe, who is also our Dad. The Father sees us as He sees Jesus, the Son (Rom. 8:15-17, Gal. 4:6-7: 1 John 3:1)

Freedom and Joy in the Holy Spirit We believe and want to operate in the power and freedom of surrendering to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We desire to grow in our understanding and operation in the fruit (Gal. 5:22-23) and gifts (1 Cor. 12-14, Eph. 4:1-16, 1 Peter 4:7-11) of the Holy Spirit.

Fellowship (Koinonia) in the body of Christ We believe that as we focus on Jesus and His work, we will see walls that have divided us be broken down and love for one another grow (1 Thess. 2:8, Heb. 10:24-25)  

Serving as the hands and feet of Christ We believe we are called to humbly and lovingly serve those within and outside our community (James 1:27, Deut.10:18-19, Phil. 2:1-8, Mt. 22:36-40)

As a congregation of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA (PCA), we submit to the doctrines set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.

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