Each year, we want to assess ourselves and see how God desires to continue to grow us in Jesus. We would like you to take time to do a personal assessment using our Flourishing in God’s grace questionnaire and discuss it with someone who can check in on your progress regularly…an elder, your life group leaders, study group leaders, etc. 

 1. BIBLE & WORSHIP - The only way to know God is through His Word and His Spirit. Are you growing in your love for personal worship time and in the study of God’s Word?


2. PRAYER - Kingdom minded prayer is the secret to Christ centered living. Are you learning to pray in a Kingdom focused way? 


3. GODLY IDENTITY – Jesus is Better. Do you believe that Jesus is better than anything else and are you preaching the gospel to your own heart (repent – believe – obey) seeking to live in a Christ-centered way in every area of your life? 


4. HOLY SPIRIT - We want all the Holy Spirit has for us, aligned with the Bible. Are you growing in your understanding of and relationship with the Holy Spirit? 


5. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY - Christ Centered living is not done Alone. Are you with others who help you apply the gospel to your life? This includes confessing sin and idols of the heart to one another, being open to give and receive grace centered warning, encouragement, and forgiveness to one another.


6. EVANGELISM - The Vine spreads through you. Are you growing in your desire to have relationships with people outside of a church family and to share your story of Grace with them? 


7. GENEROSITY - Generous people realize they are generously loved. Are you growing in living with a God-centered, Biblical view of the world vs. a man-centered view of the world that impacts how you view your vocational callings as well as where you spend your time and money?  Are you content with what the Lord has provided for you? 


8. ON MISSION - Are you “on Mission”?  Are you growing in your understanding of how to worship using your gifts and talents wherever, whenever and with whomever the Holy Spirit leads for the advancement of His kingdom? 


9. THE CHURCH - The Church is God’s primary vehicle to change the world. Are you growing in your love for the local church? Are you regularly worshipping together and serving the body using your God given gifts?  Are you intentionally helping others connect to our church family? 


10. LOVE – Live Loved. Are you asking God to give you compassion for all people and growing in demonstrating Love and the fruits of the Spirit (patience, kindness, not envious, not boastful, not proud or rude, not self-seeking, slow to anger and easy to forgive) to others on a daily basis?