Hope Tree is The Vine’s Adoption and Foster care ministry. Its mission is to create a church culture of awareness, service, and support for families of adoption and foster care. We want to be a congregation that is known in our community for supporting children from “hard places.”  

Explore more opportunities below, or contact Mark Pugh at mpugh@thevinecc.com for more information.

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Explore Opportunities: The Seven Branches of Hope Tree

Promise 686

Promise 686 equips and mobilizes church communities to support local foster, adoptive, and biological families in crisis. Care for vulnerable children today.

The Fort Foster Care

Hope Tree Ministry is partnering with The Fort Foster Care to build a foster home on our church property for 8-16 year old boys and then replicate this model of care and service throughout Forsyth County.

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Care Portal

Care Portal is a tool offered to churches so they can meet the needs of at-risk kids and families in our community. Requests are emailed to our Care Portal team, and we have been meeting those needs 2-3 times a year. This ministry is growing.

Vijiji Home of Light

Hope Tree has partnered with the Vijiji Home of Light, an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya, for approximately 15 years.  The Vine supports Vijiji with mission trips, orphan sponsorships, prayer, and financial gifts. This year our church community donated about $100,000 to Vijiji so they can build out the home's second floor. Watch for Short Term Mission trip opportunities to Kenya.

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Family Advocacy Ministry

Hope Tree's Family Advocacy Ministry supports The Vine's own foster and adoption families through building Care Communities. You can help care for a foster or adoptive family by providing meals, laundry, child care, mentorships, overnight/respite care, prayer, and encouragement.

Contact Mark Pugh at mpugh@thevinecc.com

Golf Tournament

Help raise money for adoption and foster support by playing in or supporting our annual Hope Tree Golf Tournament fundraiser.

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Adoption Scholarships

Hope Tree offers adoptive families in the state of Georgia scholarship grants to assist with the financial burden of opening their homes with adoption.

Contact Mark Pugh at mpugh@thevinecc.com