An Uncommon Guide to Retirement: Finding God's Purpose for the Next Season of Life, (Paperback)

An Uncommon Guide to Retirement: Finding God's Purpose for the Next Season of Life, by Jeff Haanen

People talk about retirement like it’s supposed to be an endless vacation. But what if, like the majority of those facing retirement, you can’t afford such a luxury? Or, what if you just want something more from retirement? Some advocate for no retirement at all. But you’ve worked for decades and a rest and reprieve do sound appealing. What should you do? Does God have a purpose for your retirement?


Finishing by Terry B. Walling | Completing the Race Set Before You


Finishing: Completing the Race Set Before You, by Terry Walling

Finishing is designed for those who face life’s final and most strategic transition—one in which God is moving them beyond the position into a time for unique and ultimate contribution. Finishing provides ways to better recognize God’s shaping voice and discern the few things they must do as they live out their days. Finishing doesn’t mean you’re finished. Some of your most important days and work still lay ahead as God reveals all that He has entrusted to you over your lifetime. Now it’s time to complete the race set before you, and leave a godly legacy that will last.


Brooks, Arthur C.  From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life.  Penguin Random House, 2022.

Are you willing to make the leap and invest your life and skills into others?

Who is this for?  If you are driven and desire to achieve, this book is for you.

Main Idea:  When we were younger, we relied on our raw smarts and ability to generate and retain lots of information.  As we age, we grow in wisdom in applying the facts that we’ve learned through the years.  We must be willing to think differently.  Instead of our achievement, we grow in mentoring others to flourish in their lives.  This can produce meaning and purpose in our latter years.  To be clear, this book is not Christ-centered or biblically aligned.


Gibson, David.  Living Life Backwards: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End. Crossway, 2017 

Book Summary (by  One day, we are all going to die. Not only are we going to die, but all the time and effort invested in our worldly pursuits will slip through our fingers and elude our grasp. This truth is the starting point of David Gibson’s book, Living life Backwards: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End. Gibson methodically and expertly walks us through the major themes and arguments of the text of Ecclesiastes with the ultimate goal of answering one question: how are we to live our lives in light of the knowledge that our earthly pursuits are futile and life is momentary?  


Prime, Derek.  A Good Old Age: An A to Z of Loving and Following the Lord Jesus in Later Years.  10Publishing, 2017.

Book Summary: Old age often gets bad press. Associated with grumpiness, aches and pains, loneliness, and isolation, it's not something we particularly look forward to or relish when we're there.  Pastor and Bible teacher Derek Prime, himself in his 80s, shows us that there is another way to view old age. He guides us through 26 Christian priorities that we should hold to in later life. With biblical wisdom and practical advice, he helps us to navigate the unique challenges and joys that old age can bring. This is a book to dip into, meditate on, and read prayerfully as you let the truths it contains gently transform the way you live your old age.


Stevens, R. Paul.  Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life.   William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2016.

Book Summary (by  Stevens organizes his material into three sections — Calling, Spirituality, and Legacy — concluding each chapter with material for personal or group reflection. He provides thorough biblical referencing, so much so that, except for advanced academic study, you will find a proficient synopsis of what the Bible can and does say about aging, to the extent of supporting the occasional sermon. Overall, if you feel that your life needs a book on aging from a Christian perspective, then this might be the one.


Thibault, Jane Marie & Richard L. Morgan.  Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life.  Upper Rooms books, 2012.

What does it look like for you to enter this pilgrimage?

Who is this for?  Anyone 60+ years who wants to be intentional in living and finishing life well for God’s glory and your enjoyment.

Main Idea:  For those who are 60+, we need a vision of how to see our lives as a pilgrimage.  We are traveling from where we are now to where God is leading us for a specific distance or time (p. 14).  We desire to see life in this season as “an intentional movement from God” (p. 15).  I love how Jane summarizes what it means to her to re-vision aging as a pilgrimage, “We choose not to retire from life but refire into new life” (p. 15). 


Van Yperen, Richard.  Above All Else: 15 Kingdom of God Biblical Essentials for Living Wisely, A Devotional Guide. Westbow Press, 2024

Book Summary:  Based on Proverbs 4:20-23, The Vine’s own author, Dick Van Yperen does an excellent job helping the reader meditate on 15 kingdom-of-God biblical essentials for living wisely.  To order, go to this link: